Сonnect to the server
Device name | DevEUI | Last connection | Group | |||
{{device.devName}} | {{device.devEui}} | {{convert_date(device.last_data_ts)!='Undefined'?convert_date(device.last_data_ts):'-'}} |
Name | Gateway ID | Active | Latency | |||
{{base_my.name}} | {{base_my.gatewayId}} | {{base_my.latency}} |
Device name : | {{storage.selected_device.devName}} |
DevEUI : | {{storage.selected_device.devEui}} |
Date range : | {{convert_date(storage.selected_device.last_req_data.start*1000,'date')}} - {{convert_date(storage.selected_device.last_req_data.end*1000,'date')}} |
Number of packets : | {{storage.selected_device.count_history(storage.date_range)}} |
Average SNR : | {{storage.selected_device.statistics_history(storage.date_range).avr_snr}} |
Average RSSI : | {{storage.selected_device.statistics_history(storage.date_range).avr_rssi}} |
Отображать данные от {{convert_date(currentDateForFilterData)}} |
Date | Type | Data | DR | Fcnt | Freq | gatewayId | macData | Packet Status | Port | RSSI | SNR |
{{history.get_ts()}} | {{history.type}} | {{history.data}} | {{history.dr}} | {{history.fcnt}} | {{history.freq}} | {{history.gatewayId}} | {{history.macData}} | {{history.packetStatus}} | {{history.port}} | {{history.rssi}} | {{history.snr}} |
{{convert_date(log.time)}} | {{log.message}} |
Login | Device access | Permission | ||
{{user.login}} | {{user.device_access}} | {{storage.patterns_user.get_pattern(user)!=false?storage.patterns_user.get_pattern(user).name:'Custom'}} |
Server status | |
Time | {{new_convert_date(WS.server_info.time.utc,WS.server_info.time.time_zone_utc_offset,'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss','utc')}} |
Time zone | {{WS.server_info.time.time_zone}} |
Version | {{WS.server_info.version}} |
Vega devices | {{WS.server_info.device_count.device_count_vega}} |
Third-party devices | {{WS.server_info.device_count.device_count_other}} |
Third-party devices avaliable | {{WS.server_info.device_count.available_device_count}} |
Application statistics | |
Gateways | {{storage.bases.get_count_bases()}} |
Devices | {{storage.devices.get_count_devices()}} |
Users | {{storage.users.get_count()}} |